Tradition for everyone in the Mediterranean! Since 1990 many visitors enjoy the Fireworks Contest that takes place from 4 to 7 July in Tarragona.
Festival with fireworks
Now you can attend the most captivating event, after the selection of several pyrotechnic proposals, where the winner is responsible for the celebration and in 2018 some of the chosen companies were:
Pirotecnia Tomás de Castellón.
Pirotecnia Xaraiva de Ourense.
Pirotecnia Poleggi de Italia.
Pirotecnia del Mediterráneo de Valencia.
In 2019 a great event is expected with the broadcast of great voices and the attendance of the public that is in the beach of the Miracle.
Tarragona continues year after year to amaze tourists with this contest and its fascinating pyrotechnic show, where important companies that also prepare mascletás in other municipalities participate.
Visit the city and share with family or friends an event that maintains its charm for many years. Always, using safe and modern fireworks procedures.
And, in general, many of the family businesses that participate have been founded in other decades and even some in 1850, therefore, they are still referents in pyrotechnics.
This year the Fireworks Contest acquires a special meaning in the city of Tarragona, thanks to the experience of the pyrotechnic workshops with extensive experience that are presented to the contest to participate, showing the good work of its experts.
Nowadays the pyrotechnic lines offer a modern option with modern fireworks that you can not miss and see in Tarragona.
Assist with the whole family the biggest show in the city and live a moment of leisure that you will always remember. This 2019 visit the beaches and present this contest with the multiple alternatives offered to all public in the month of April.